Earn RM70,000 from RM333/month

Embark on a rewarding investment journey with our unique durian investment scheme. From as low as RM333/month, you can become a part of Malaysia's thriving durian industry

Durian Capital Investment Scheme

Malaysia's First Licensed, Regulated, and Shariah Compliant Durian Investment


7x ROI

Interim Yield
1 %
Revenue Share
1 %
Annualised Returns
1 %

Malaysia's First Licensed, Regulated, and Shariah Compliant Durian Investment

The Durian Capital Investment Scheme is the first of its kind in Malaysia to be regulated by Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) under the Interest Scheme Act 2016.

Reap Your Returns, Pre-Harvest

While harvesting Musang King Durians are worth the wait, we give investors a taste of their returns from the first year itself through our supplementary crops. Up until the 5th year when durians are typically harvested, investors stand to reap their rewards from our allocated 30 acres of supplementary crops.

Guaranteed Buy-back

Investors earn peace of mind when we offer a guaranteed buy-back of their capital in the 15th year.

A Safe & Transparent Investment

We are serious about investor security. Which is why we have an appointed Trustee which is responsible for monitoring the rights and interests of our investors.




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